The brain is one of the least understood organs in the human body. It is responsible for cognitive processing, stores our memories, and helps regulate functions throughout the body. In fact, it’s estimated that the brain processes about 70,000 thoughts each day!

Brain health is related to a variety of factors, including mental and social stimulation, but is also affected by what we’re exposed to in the environment – for example, neurotoxins like lead or ethanol. In fact, environmental toxins are thought to negatively affect the formation of the brain and cognitive skills.


Almost all the cells in the brain are in place by age two or three, and only a few small regions of the brain grow new cells after that point. Given this short window of time a person has to develop a healthy brain and maintain healthy cells, the human brain is extremely vulnerable to environmental pollution. The brain may only account for up to 2% of a person’s weight, but it consumes 20% of the body’s energy at a rate that is ten times faster than the rest of the body per gram of tissue. This energy-hungry organ requires a constant supply of energy to function, and what you ingest and are exposed to has a direct impact on its processes.

The idea that small amounts of exposure are safe is what keeps some of the toxins legal in many countries’ commerce today. Here I encourage you to do your own research and educate yourself so you can make an informed decision about what to put in your body.

Here are steps you can take to better protect your health and your brain:

  • Opt for foods grown organically or with little to no synthetic pesticides.
  • Experiment with chemical-free yard and garden solutions.
  • Assess the construction year of your home and office building.
  • Contact your local or state health department to find out how you can have paint and dust testing done in your home.
  • Evaluate the ingredients in your everyday self-care and cleaning products. Assess the construction year of your home and office building.


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