“There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.”
I have to be perfect. How often does this thought cross your mind or Does it even leave?
Never feeling relaxed or at peace. So many of us paint a picture in our minds of what we should be like and what our lives should look and feel like. Always wanting to be the best, the perfect. But what happens when life doesn’t go according to the picture in our head?
The sensation of having an enormous hole in your soul.
PERFECT COFFEE: Have you eavesdropped lately on anyone ordering their favourite coffee. The list of instructions are insane. If one drop of extra milk can ruin their perfect coffee and then their perfect mood. I also have to admit, ordering a very hot coffee is my demand at any cafe.
Current Affairs: The faster pace of communication, availability of infinite amounts of information on Internet and Social ,Media, we feel we are always behind and so difficult to keep track on the fashion trends. Anyone will be overwhelmed by the perfectionistic standards of the society.
Social Media: When you walk past a nice car, and then move on with your day. However, when you scroll on social media somebody(mostly someone you know) looking perfect in better shape than you, you take it personally, and feel how imperfect you are and your day is ruined.. If we can walk past a nice car without letting it ruin our day, then we must train our minds to do the same with social media. iInstantly you cannot make yourself more muscular or noticeably leaner, but you can make yourself feel better.
Perspective: Imagine you have invited friends for dinner and your desert is not set perfectly. The perfect host would be embarrassed, but the point of the visit is to enjoy each other’s company, and not to prove i m better than Gordon Ramsay(I love him). Enjoy the moment, nobody will remember that your desert was not set. GO EASY ON YOURSELF.
Learn to let go. A single coin makes the most noise in an empty jar, so they say. Having one single problem in life I am sure makes it feel amplified. Certain very strong individuals are impervious to praise or criticism, understanding that often the other person has an underlying motive to control, so let go of the need that people should complement your Perfection. A steady diet of sweets and a steady diet of Praise, both are equally harmful.
“Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20.”
Make your own decisions. So many posts, pictures and blogs are never posted, on social media because high standards of being perfect holds us back. Do not lose sleep over all the people who do not like your taste, as there are so many who do. Make your own decision if you feel it’s worth sharing go ahead with it.
Don’t hate your way accept yourself. The only way you can feel you’re not doing well is to either compare yourself to someone else (comparison being the thief of joy) or to use someone else’s values for measuring success.
Finishing line: It’s ok to stop before the finishing line. Sometimes just to complete the task and be perfect, still feel incomplete within. There are somethings we can leave it if it is not giving you peace within. “You were born to be real, not perfect”
Make peace with the “now” before you feel satisfied with the “later.” The happiest people are not the ones who achieve the most. They are the ones who spend more time than others in a state of satisfaction. Your worth is NOT dependent on you being perfect
Next Step: The next step to embrace things as they are is to understand what picture you have in your head and where that may differ from reality. There is nothing wrong with striving for things to be the best they can be – in fact, striving for things to be as good as possible pushes our boundaries and limits. But be realistic. What can you really control? What can you influence? Where can you really have the most impact? Share your vision of how you’d like things to be and set yourself realistic goals and monitor your progress. That’s not to say ignore all the challenges and pretend it’s all rosy, but even in the darkest night the stars still shine.
My Personal Challenge: I struggled for years. I told myself I would only be accepted, loved and valued if I had a perfect body, always perfect in Meditation and above all perfect in all the Yoga poses but soon I realised it’s not possible, so made peace with imperfection and I am much happier and content. Life and humans, is just not perfect. Find beauty in the imperfections in life.
Being Real Imperfect: Being real, humble, loving, imperfect – not only did it take a weight off my shoulders, it gave permission to those around me to do the same. The shift in mindset created a big shift in all areas of my life. I spent so many years trying to validate my existence by achieving perfection in my life that I neglected what was most important – life.
Being Perfect in Society: To be perfect in Society looks, money and status is necessary, emphasis on perfectly toned body and perfectly glowing skin, and perfect intelligence. We probably all agree that the endless pressure to look a certain way to feel accepted and loved is unhealthy. But failing in being perfect can lead to feelings of failure It makes us question our worth when we fail to be perfect. The key isn’t to stop aiming for higher standards, but to stop measuring progress in terms of perfection.
“Failing in life is inevitable—staying down is optional.”
Celebrate your progress: Take time to acknowledge your progress and how far you’ve come will give you a sense of achievement and encourage you to keep going.
“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.“
If you have a monster within you that shouts you’re not doing things perfectly, then hope this blog can help quiet that voice. We can also work together to lighten up unrealistic expectations, and in the process open the door to your wonderful life. With enough information and a bit of curiosity and willingness, even years of perfectionist thinking and behaviour and courage to form different habits and responses.
“Is it important to be perfect and unhappy?” ask yourself.