Sleep Myths Debunked

Here’s why this matters— false beliefs or misinformation about sleep can do real harm to your health and well-being. One big part of my mission is to correct the sleep misconceptions out there, so everyone can sleep better and more successfully manage sleep.

So let’s take a look at some common sleep myths, and why they are false so they can be put to rest once and for all.

1. An alcoholic nightcap helps you sleep-

A late night slug of alcohol can help knock you out initially but studies show that alcohol actually impairs your deep sleep. Alcohol is also a diuretic, which means that drinking it makes you more likely to disrupt your sleep to visit the bathroom


2. You can catch up on your sleep at the weekend-

It might be tempting to sleep in at weekends after a sleep deprived week but your body prefers a consistent sleeping pattern. ‘Binge-sleeping’ can upset your circadian rhythms and make things worse.

 3. Snoring is harmless-

I f you are regularly snoring then you should see a doctor about it. Snoring could be a sign of poor airflow and sleep apnoea, which can result in reduced blood oxygen and heart problems. Frequent snoring can also be a sign of hypertension.

4. Older people need less sleep-

It’s true that sleep quality declines as we get older, with the result that we might take more naps as we age, but it’s not true that we need less sleep when we’re older. Older people need just as much sleep as before. Research also suggests that deep sleep can cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

 5. You swallow eight spiders every year while you are asleep-
Arachnophobes can rest easy. It’s very unlikely that you will swallow any spiders while you are asleep, as your body vibrates and makes enough noises while asleep to put off any eight-legged creatures wanting to crawl into your mouth.
 6. It’s dangerous to wake a sleepwalker-
If you see a sleepwalker heading somewhere dangerous then stop them! Waking a sleepwalker will not give them a heart attack or kill them. It’s best to walk sleepwalker safely back to their bed or else to make a noise from a safe distance away in order to wake them up.

Don’t Lose Sleep Over These Myths

We know much more about sleep now than we did even a few years ago. But despite all this new knowledge and what we still continue to learn, misunderstandings still exist. Misunderstandings about how sleep works are more than just “oops” moments though— they can hinder your ability to get your best, most refreshing and restorative sleep. At worst, they can do real harm.

However, it’s always possible to correct and learn from misunderstandings so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes in the future. I hope that I’ve cleared up these sleep myths for you so that you can get the deep sleep you need to feel your best each day.

Hope you liked my blog!!

Feel free to contact me for consultation if you are going through sleep issues.



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